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Coventry Building Society APIs

The definitive source of information and technical specifications for the APIs made available by Coventry Building Society: this website is for software developers

Open APIs

Current accounts services information APIs

More about this API

This API contains FCA service metrics for personal current accounts at Coventry Building Society.

If you have any questions about this API email us at



To access our Open Banking APIs, you'll need to register with us

How to register

You'll need an Open Banking WAC or eIDAS QWAC certificate to register with us. You can only register with an eIDAS certificate if you operate outside of the UK and Gibraltar.
Download and complete a registration form below and send it to us at
You can also contact us at this address if you have any questions.

Registration forms and information

Register with an Open Banking WAC (OB WAC) certificate 

Register with an eIDAS (QWAC) certificate


Registration form (eIDAS)

(open using a PDF reader e.g. Adobe Reader)


Information about registering (eIDAS)


Our onboarding process



Open Banking APIs

More about these APIs


At Coventry Building Society we believe in being open for our members. 

As a result we have made Account Information Services, Payment Initiation Services and Confirmation of Funds APIs available for trusted third parties.

You can find out the information about our APIs below.

If you have any questions you can email us at

Open Banking Sandbox APIs (CBS v.2.0)

Using our Sandbox APIs


Our Sandbox APIs are available for Third Party Providers (TPPs) who have registered with Coventry Building Society.

They provide the ability to test functionality, connectivity and API requests and responses for CBS v.2.0 Open Banking APIs.

For more details, including how to use our Sandbox, please see the specifications document below.

Account Information Services APIs (CBS v.2.0)

API Description  
POST /account-requests Create an account request POST
GET /account-requests/{AccountRequestId} Get an account request GET
DELETE /account-requests/{AccountRequestId} Delete an account request DELETE
GET /accounts Get a list of accounts GET
GET /accounts/{AccountId} Get an account GET
GET /accounts/{AccountId}/balances Get Balances related to an account GET
GET /accounts/{AccountId}/beneficiaries Get Beneficiaries related to an account GET
GET /accounts/{AccountId}/direct-debits Get Direct Debits related to an account GET
GET /accounts/{AccountId}/scheduled-payments Get scheduled payments related to an account GET
GET /accounts/{AccountId}/product Get Product related to an account GET
GET /accounts/{AccountId}/standing-orders Get Standing Orders related to an account GET
GET /accounts/{AccountId}/transactions Get transactions related to an account GET

Payment Initiation Service APIs (CBS v.2.0)

APIs Description   
POST /payments Create a single immediate payment POST
GET /payments/{PaymentId} Get a single immediate payment GET
POST /payment-submissions Submit a previously setup payment POST
GET /payment-submissions/{PaymentSubmissionId} Get payment submission GET
GET /payments/{PaymentId}/funds-confirmation Get confirmation of funds available GET
POST /mandates Used to submit a mandate initiation (creation of a standing order or future dated payment) POST
GET /mandates/{PaymentId} Returns the status of the payment initiation for a given mandate GET
POST /mandate-submissions Used to submit a mandate POST
GET /mandate-submissions/{paymentSubmissionId} Returns the status of a mandate submission GET

Confirmation of Funds APIs (CBS v.2.0)

APIs Description   
POST /funds-confirmation-consents Create a new funds confirmation consent POST
GET /funds-confirmation-consents Retrieves an existing funds confirmation consent GET
DELETE /funds-confirmation-consents Deletes an existing funds confirmation consent DELETE
POST /funds-confirmations Create a new funds confirmation to confirm funds available POST

Availability and performance information for Online Services and our dedicated interface

Here you can find out about the availability and performance of Online Services and our dedicated interface. These are reported and published here quarterly.